TED Talk English Club 2023: Vol 1 on 26 Jan & 2 Feb


Welcome to TED Talk English Club season 2--of spring 2023--active each Thursday at 3-6 p.m. in 26 Jan through 27 April 2023:)

NEW! Please click on the black box below to open/download MORE WORDS & PHRASES about cats = what we covered on 26.01.23

CLUB Meeting 1 on 26 Jan 2023 = Meeting 1 of Vol 1

CLUB Meeting 2 on 2 Feb 2023 = Meeting 2 of Vol 1

TOPIC of 2 Feb 2023: Learn ENGLISH with SONGS--a song by D. Warwick

TOPIC of 26 Jan 2023 (celebrating the Year of Cat/Rabbit): Making sense of cats: why do cats act so weird? Saa nüüd neist kassidest aru: miks nad küll niimoodi käituvad?

SONG (3 min, by Dionne Warwick) for 2 Febclick 'What do you get when you fall in love?'

VIDEO (4.43 min, TED-cartoon) for 26 Jan: click ' Why do cats act so weird?' 

WORDS on Quizlet = click the link (click automatic join link to access Quizlet)  

SCRIPT of the video: please scroll down to read it

LYRICS & QUESTION 1-2 for the song on 2 Feb:  please scroll down to read them kerige palun tükk maad allapoole siin lehel, et lugeda laulu teksti  

3 QUESTIONS to TALK about on 26 Jan (or 2 Feb in case you missed it on 26.01.23:):

  • 26 Jan Question 1 to talk about: Can you add other actions of cats Mida veel kassid teevad (peale selle, millest videos juttu)? like grooming/licking puhastavad/lakuvad ennast, kneading teevad käppadega sõtkumise moodi liigutusi, throwing up hairballs, spraying "tirtsutavad", what else?
  • 26 Jan Question 2 to talk about: Can you think of any such situations in our life where we are as if 'both predator and prey' st ühteaegu omame justkui võimu, aga oleme ühtlasi ka kergesti rünnatavad?
  • 26 Jan Question 3 to talk about: Who do you think we are in our cats' eyes? Kelleks kassid meid peavad, st mida kassid meist arvavad?

Time: 3 p.m. through 6 p.m. on 2 Feb 2023NB! Please pick from: 3-3.30 ...../3.30-4 ..Heli...../ 4-4.30 ..Toomas....../4.30-5.00 ....../ 5.00-5.30 ..... /5.30-6 .Tiina.../ and submit by the form above. 

Format: one-on-one for 30 minutes on Skype (or one-on-one with another Club member)

Access 1: open to all of them who at some point--since 2012--have taken a course with Terje Keldoja😊 (NB! Access 2: Everybody else is indeed welcome, too. However, the fee is a little less generous for the 'novices'18 eur per 30 minutes one-on-one.)

Fee: 14 eur for a 30-minute Meeting on Skype, incl Quizlet & Script & the Blog (= follow-up based on the ideas of the participants--about the video/topic & song) & Final Kahoot Review. NB! One-on-one with another Club member 30 min koos teise klubiliikmega + Terjega = 10 eur per member.

Payment: by invoice 1-3 you'll be receiving at the end of Feb, at the end of March and at the end of April. You are only charged for the Meetings you have chosen to attend:)

Enrolment: with terje.keldoja@gmail.com otse meiliga or submit the form above või täida ülal olev vorm 

SCRIPT for 26 Jan 2023 (or 2 Feb in case you missed it on 26.01.23:):)

00:06 Why do cats do that? They're cute nunnud, they're lovable armsad, and judging by the 26 billions views of over 2 million YouTube videos of them videod, kus nad pouncing kargavad, bouncing põrkuvad tagasi, climbing, cramming mahutavad end kitsasse kohta, stalking jälitavad, clawing küünistavad, chattering siin: teevad kassihääli, and purring, one thing is certain: cats are very entertaining. These somewhat strange feline behaviors kassilikud käitumisviisid, both amusing nii toredad and baffling aga ka hämmastust tekitavad, leave many of us asking panevad meid küsima, "Why do cats do that?"

00:40 Throughout time alati on olnud nii, cats were simultaneously ühteaegu solitary predators üksi "kulgevad" kiskjad of smaller animals and prey (olles ise samas) saakloomaks for larger carnivores lihasööjad. As both predator and prey olles ühteaegu nii kiskja kui ka saakloom, survival of their species depended on crucial instinctual behaviors which we still observe mida võime täheldada in wild and domestic cats today. While the feline actions of your house cat Grizmo might seem perplexing teevad nõutuks, in the wild looduses, st mitte inimese juures, these same behaviors, naturally bred into cats mis kõik arendas/aretas kassi for millions of years, would make Grizmo a super cat.

01:13 Enabled olles nii võimekas tänu by their unique muscular structure and keen balancing abilities hästi arenenud tasakaalu hoidmise võimele, cats climbed to high vantage points koht kust ümbruskonda hästi näeb to survey et jälgida their territory and spot prey saaklooma näha in the wild. Grizmo doesn't need these particular skills to find and hunt down dinner "lõunasööki" taga ajada in her food bowl today, but instinctively, viewing the living room from the top of the bookcase raamatukapp is exactly what she has evolved to do on kohastunud.

01:37 As wild predators olles loomu poolest kiskjad, cats are opportunistic kasutavad juhust and hunt whenever prey saak is available. Since most cat prey kassi saakloomad are small, cats in the wild needed to eat many times each day, and use a stalk, pounce, kill, eat strategy to stay fed et söönuks saada. This is why Grizmo prefers to chase jälitada and pounce on little toys pisisaakloomad, mis justkui mänguasjad and eat small meals over the course jooksul of the day and night. Also, small prey tend to hide in tiny spaces in their natural environments, so one explanation for Grizmo's propensity kalduvus to reach into toppida oma nina containers and openings kõiksugu anumatesse ja avadesse is that she is compelled by the same curiosity teda kihutab takka seesama uudishimu that helped ensure mis tagas the continuation of her species tema soo jätkamise for millions of years before.

02:24 In the wild looduses (st inimeseta elades), cats needed sharp claws for climbing, hunting, and self-defense. Sharpening their claws on nearby surfaces kõiksugu ette jäävatel pindadel kept them conditioned hoidis neid heas toonuses and ready, helped stretch their back and leg muscles, and relieve some stress, too. So, it's not that Grizmo hates your couch diivan, chair, ottoman tumba, pillows, curtains, and everything else you put in her environment. She's ripping these things to shreds tõmbab need ribadeks and keeping her claws in tip-top shape because this is exactly what her ancestors esiisad did in order to survive.

02:57 As animals that were preyed upon olles ise need loomad, kelle peale jahti peeti (teiste loomade poolt), cats evolved to not get caught õppisid mitte saagiks langema, and in the wild, the cats that were the best at avoiding predators thrived elasid hästi. So at your house today, Grizmo is an expert at squeezing toppima into small spaces and seeking out üles leidma and hiding in unconventional spots ebatavalised paigad. It also explains why she prefers a clean and odor-free litter box kassiliivakast. That's less likely to give away reetma, ära andma her location to any predators that may be sniffing nuusivad around nearby läheduses ringi.

03:26 Considering everything we do know mida me kõike juba teame about cats, it seems that one of their most predominate behaviors is still one of the most mysterious üks kõige tüüpilisemaid asju nende käitumises on siiski suureks saladuseks jäänud. Cats may purr for any number of reasons kõiksugustel põhjustel, such as happiness, stress, and hunger. But curiously, the frequency of their purrs, between 25 and 150 hertz, is within a range (füüsikalises mõttes heli võnkumise) sagedusvahemikus that can promote tissue regeneration võib aidata nahal taastuda. So while Samas kui her purring makes Grizmo an excellent nap companion nurrumise saatel on meeldiv päevast uinakut teha, it is also possible that her purr is healing her muscles and bones, and maybe even yours, too.

04:03 They developed through time Läbi aegade arenesid nad as both nii, et olid ühteaegu solitary predators that hunted üksi uitavad kiskjad and killed to eat kes ise tapsid söögi saamiseks, and stealthy prey (ja samas) end varjav ja hiiliv saakloom that hid and escaped to survive mis end ellu jäämiseks peitis ja vajadusel põgenes. So cats today retain neil on alles, on säilinud many of the same instincts that allowed them to thrive in the wild for millions of years. This explains some of their seemingly strange behaviors. To them, our homes are their jungles. But if this is the case Kui see on tõsi, in our own cat's eyes meie kassi silmade läbi vaadates, who are we? Big, dumb rumalad, hairless cats competing with them for resources? Terribly stupid predators (kas nende arvates oleme me) ühed täitsa rumalad kiskjad they're able to outsmart every day keda nad oskavad igapäevaselt üle kavaldada? Or maybe they think we're the prey või me oleme nende jaoks hoopiski ... saakloomad.

SONG (3.01 min) for 2 Feb 2023

LYRICS of What Do You Get When You Fall In Love (by Dionne Warwick), click for more info about the composer & lyricist

  • Click to LISTEN to it (also available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzQBOBoPg04)

QUESTION 1: Do you think grammar rules apply to the lyrics below? Kuidas tundub, kas selle laulu sõnad on grammatiliselt n-ö "õiged"?

QUESTION 2A: Does it all make sense to you? Kas kõik on täiesti arusaadav? QUESTION 2B: How about the metaphors in this song? Milliseid metafoore on kasutatud?

What do you get when you fall in love?

A guy with a pin to burst your bubble
That's what you get for all your trouble
I'll never fall in love again
I'll never fall in love again
What do you get when you kiss a guy?

You get enough germs to catch pneumonia
After you do, he'll never phone you
I'll never fall in love again
Don't you know that I'll never fall in love again 

Don't tell me what it's all about
'Cause I've been there and I'm glad I'm out
Out of those chains, those chains that bind you
That is why I'm here to remind you
What do you get when you fall in love?
You only get a life of pain and sorrow
So for at least until tomorrow
I'll never fall in love again
No, no, I'll never fall in love again
I'm out of those chains, those chains that bind you
That is why I'm here to remind you
What do you get when you fall in love?
You only get lies and pain and sorrow
So for at least until tomorrow
I'll never fall in love again
Don't you know that I'll never fall in love again
I'll never fall in love again