TED Talk English Club 2023: Vol 3 on 23 Feb & 2 March


Welcome to TED Talk English Club season 2--of spring 2023--active each Thursday at 3-6 p.m. in 26 Jan through 27 April 2023:)

You're welcome to click on the brown box below to read or download                       the SUMMARY of 23 Feb on 'Muscle growth'.

You're welcome to click on the black box below to read or download                     the SUMMARY of 2 March on 'Moviestar'.

CLUB Meeting  on 2 March 2023 = Meeting 2 of Vol 3

TOPIC for 2 March 2023: Does 'Moviestar' spark in you any ideas you might feel like talking about? Kas see laul tekitab mingeid mõtteid, millest võiks rääkida?

3 QUESTIONS to TALK about the SONG on 2 March:

  • 2 March Question 1: Had you really noticed the words of this famous song before today?
  • 2 March Question 2: What is the word missing in the lyrics (see the gap below)?
  • 2 March Question 3: Any ideas the song sparks in you to talk about?

SONG (2.59 min) for 2 March 2023

LYRICS of 'Moviestar' (by Jan Trosten Svensson alias Harpo), click for more info

You feel like Steve McQueenWhen you're driving in your carAnd you think you look like James BondWhen you're smoking your cigarIt's so bizarre, you think you areA new kind of James DeanBut the only thing I've ever seen of you

Was a commercial spot on the screen

Movie star, movie star
You think you are a movie
Movie star, movie star
You think you are a movie star

You should belong to the jet set
Fly your own private Lear jet
But you worked in a grocery store
Every day until you could ........ to get away
So you went to Sweden to meet Ingmar Bergman
He wasn't there or he just didn't care
I think it's time for you, my friend
To stop pretending that you are a

Movie star, movie star
You think you are a movie star
Movie star, movie star
You think you are a movie
Star, ah-ah

The frozen hero!
Your words are zero
When your dreams had vanished into dark
Along the go that you don't want to know

Movie star, movie star, oh-ooh-oh
You think you are a movie
Movie Star, movie star, oh-ooh-oh
You think you are a movie

Movie star, movie star, oh-ooh-oh
You think you are a movie star
Movie star, movie star, oh-oh-oh

Movie star, movie star, oh-ooh-oh
Movie star, movie star, oh-ooh-oh

TOPIC for 23 Feb 2023: Working out for muscle growth: who is it for & why? Lihastreening: kellele ja milleks?

VIDEO (4 min, TED-ed cartoon, 2015, 20 M views) for 23 Feb: click 'What makes muscles grow?' Kuidas kasvatada musklit?

WORDS of the video on Quizlet = click the link (click automatic join link to access Quizlet)  

SCRIPT of the video for 23 Feb: please scroll down to read it

LYRICS of the song for 2 March:  please scroll down to read them palun kerige allapoole siin lehel, et lugeda video  ja laulu teksti  

3 QUESTIONS to TALK about the VIDEO on 23 Feb

  • 23 Feb QUESTION 1: Out of the more than 600 muscles our body accommodates, have you got  a 'favourite one'? Meie kehas olevat 600 lihast: on sul nende hulgas mõni 'lemmik'?
  • 23 Feb QUESTION 2: What to make of the saying 'Your brain is  like another muscle--use it and make it strong!'? Kuidas mõista ütlemist, et aju on ka justkui lihas, mida tuleb kasutada ja treenida? 
  • 23 Feb QUESTION 3: The video ends on 'Meaningful growth requires challenge and stress'. But what about the highly celebrated comfort & convenience? Tõeline areng tulevat raskuste ületamise ja stressi talumise hinnaga. Aga kuidas jääb siis selle nii kõrgelt hinnatud mõnu ja mugavusega?

Time: 3 p.m. through 6 p.m. on 2 March 2023. NB! Please pick from: 3-3.30 .... /3.30-4.00 .Heli.../ 4-4.30 .../4.30-5.00 ..../ 5.00-5.30 ..Merge. /5.30-6 p.m. .Tiina./ and please submit by the form above. 

Format: one-on-one for 30 minutes on Skype (or one-on-one with another Club member)

Access 1: open to all of them who at some point--since 2012--have taken a course with Terje Keldoja😊 (NB! Access 2: Everybody else is indeed welcome, too. However, the fee is a little less generous for the 'novices'18 eur per 30 minutes one-on-one.)

Fee: 14 eur for a 30-minute Meeting on Skype, incl Quizlet & Script & the Blog or Summary (= follow-up based on the ideas of the participants--about the video/topic & song) & Final Kahoot Review. NB! One-on-one with another Club member 30 min koos teise klubiliikmega + Terjega = 10 eur per member.

Payment: by invoice 1-3 you'll be receiving at the end of Feb, at the end of March and at the end of April. You are only charged for the Meetings you have chosen to attend:)

Enrolment: with terje.keldoja@gmail.com otse meiliga or submit the form above või täida ülal olev vorm 

SCRIPT for 23 Feb 2023:

00:06 Muscles. We have over 600 of them. They make up moodustavad between 1/3 and 1/2 of our body weight, and along with connective tissue sidekude, they bind us together seovad meie kehaosad kokku, hold us up hoiavad meid püsti, and help us move. And whether or not body building is your hobby, muscles need your constant attention because the way you treat them on a daily basis tavaelus, igapäevaselt determines whether kas they will wither känguvad or grow.

00:32 Say you're standing in front of a door, ready to pull it open. Your brain and muscles are perfectly poised to help valmis aitama you achieve this goal. First, your brain sends a signal to motor neurons inside your arm. When they receive this message, they fire aktiveeruvad, causing muscles to contract kokku tõmbuma and relax, which pull on the bones in your arm and generate the needed movement.

00:54 The bigger the challenge becomes mida raskem on ülesanne, the bigger the brain's signal grows seda tugevam on ajju jõudev signaal, and the more seda rohkem motor units it rallies to help you achieve your task.

01:01 But what if aga mis siis (saab), kui the door is made of solid iron on üleni rauast? At this point, your arm muscles alone won't be able to generate enough tension to pull it open, so your brain appeals to other muscles for help aju "pöördub abi saamiseks" teiste lihaste poole. You plant your feet toetad jalad tugevasti vastu maad, tighten tõmbad kõhulihased kokku your belly, and tense your back pingutad seljalihaseid, generating enough force to yank it open. Your nervous system has just leveraged on appi võtnud the resources you already have, other muscles, to meet the demand et "nõudlust rahuldada".

01:28 While all this is happening, your muscle fibers lihaskiud undergo teevad läbi muutuse another kind of cellular change. As you expose them to stress kui neis tekib pinge, they experience microscopic damage tekivad mikroskoopilised kahjustused, which, in this context, is a good thing. In response, the injured cells release inflammatory molecules vallanduvad põletiku molekulid called cytokines tsütokiinid that activate the immune system to repair the injury. This is when Just siis the muscle-building magic happens. The greater the damage to the muscle tissue mida rohkem saab lihas "kahjustada", the more seda enam your body will need to repair itself. The resulting cycle of damage and repair eventually lõppkokkuvõttes makes muscles bigger and stronger as they adapt to progressively greater demands.

02:09 Since our bodies have already adapted to most everyday activities, those generally don't produce enough stress to stimulate new muscle growth. So, to build new muscle, a process called hypertrophy /haɪˈpɜːtrəfi/, our cells need to be exposed to higher workloads than they are used to on vaja neile anda suuremaid ülesandeid, kui nad harjunud on saama. In fact, if you don't continuously expose your muscles to some resistance kui lihased pikemat aega  ei kohta vastupanu (ei pea pingutama), they will shrink tõmbuvad kokku, a process known as muscular atrophy /ˈætrəfi/. In contrast vastupidi, exposing the muscle to a high-degree of tension lihast olulisel määral pingutades, especially while the muscle is lengthening kui lihas pikeneb, also called an eccentric contraction, generates effective conditions for new growth.

02:45 However, muscles rely on lihaste areng sõltub more than just activity to grow. Without proper korralik nutrition toitumine, hormones, and rest, your body would never be able to repair damaged muscle fibers. Protein in our diet preserves säilitab muscle mass by providing tagades/varustades the building blocks for new tissue in the form of amino acids. Adequate protein intake manustamine/tarbimine, along with naturally occurring looduslikult esinevad hormones, like insulin-like growth factor insuliinisarnane kasvufaktor and testosterone, help shift viia the body into a state seisundisse where tissue is repaired kude taastub and grown.

03:18 This vital repair process mainly occurs toimub when we're resting, especially at night while sleeping. Gender and age affect mõjutavad this repair mechanism, which is why young men with more testosterone have a leg up on eelispositsioonis in the muscle building game. Genetic factors also play a role in one's ability to grow muscle. Some people have more robust tugevam immune reactions to muscle damage, and are better able to repair and replace damaged muscle fibers, increasing their muscle-building potential.

03:45 The body responds to the demands you place on it keha reageerib vastavalt sellele, mida sa talt nõuad. If you tear your muscles up n-ö lõhud oma lihaseid, eat right, rest and repeat, you'll create the conditions to make your muscles as big and strong as possible. It is with muscles as it is with life: Meaningful growth requires challenge and stress.