TED Talk English Club 2023: Vol 5 on 23 & 30 March


Welcome to TED Talk English Club season 2--of spring 2023--active each Thursday at 3-6 p.m. in 26 Jan through 27 April 2023:)

You're welcome to click on the black box below to read or download

the SUMMARY of 30 March on the song 'A Trick of the Light' 

You're welcome to click on the brown box below to read or download

the SUMMARY of 23 March on the video 'Achieving by pure luck or through merit?' 

CLUB Meeting on 30 March 2023 = Meeting 2 of Vol 5

TOPIC for 30 March 2023: song 'A Trick of the Light' by Villagers

Please click to LISTEN to the song (or click over here

LYRICS of the song 'A trick of the Light' -- scroll down, please laulu sõnade nägemiseks keri palun allapoole

  • 30 March QUESTION 1: What is this song about'?Millest see laul räägib?
  • 30 March QUESTION 2: How do you make sense of the title--can you relate it to what the song is about? Kuidas pealkiri tundub olevat--tabav?
  • 30 March QUESTION 3: Can you spot any unexpected/intriguing metaphors? Kas siit leiab põnevaid metafoore?

TOPIC for 23 March: Achieving by pure luck (good fortune, a fair chance) or through merit? Kas hästi läheb siis, kui õnn naeratab [saatus on armuline (puhta juhuslikult)], või (vaid) siis, kui oleme tublid?

VIDEO (BBC, 5.17 min) 'What do lucky people do differently?' Kas need, kellel (alati justkui) veab, teevad midagi oma elus teisiti (kui need, kellel eriti/üldjuhul ei vea)?

3 QUESTIONS to TALK about on 23 March

  • 23 March Question 1: Can you personally recall any cases when something as if happened by pure luck (to you)? Kas meenub mõni (isiklikult kogetud) juhtum, mida võib pidada õnnelikuks juhuseks? 
  • 23 March Question 2: Did you learn anything new (any highlights?) about 'pure luck' (good fortune) from the video? Kas leidsid videost midagi uut (midagi eraldi mainimisväärset?)-- selle kohta, et kellel veab (kellele naeratab õnn) ja kellel(e) mitte?
  • 23 March Question 3: How do you make sense of achieving by merit (belief: talent + hard work = achievement)? Kuidas inglise keeles lahti seletada uskumist, et "anne + töö = saavutused"? 

WORDS of the video on Quizlet = click the link (click automatic join link to access Quizlet)

Time: 3 p.m. through 6 p.m. on 30 March 2023. NB! Please pick from: 3-3.30 .... /3.30-4.00 .Heli.../ 4-4.30 .../4.30-5.00 ..../ 5.00-5.30 ..Merge. /5.30-6 p.m. .../ and please submit by the form above. Toomas?

Format: one-on-one for 30 minutes on Skype (or one-on-one with another Club member)

Access 1: open to all of them who at some point--since 2012--have taken a course with Terje Keldoja😊 (NB! Access 2: Everybody else is indeed welcome, too. However, the fee is a little less generous for the 'novices' = 18 eur per 30 minutes one-on-one.)

Fee: 14 eur for a 30-minute Meeting on Skype, incl Quizlet &Script & the Blog or Summary (= follow-up based on the ideas of the participants--about the video/topic & song) & Final Kahoot Review. NB! One-on-one with another Club member 30 min koos teise klubiliikmega + Terjega = 10 eur per member.

Payment: by invoice 1-3 you'll be receiving at the end of Feb, March and April. You are only charged for the Meetings you have chosen to attend:)

Enrolment: with terje.keldoja@gmail.com otse meiliga or submit the form above või täida ülal olev vorm 

LYRICS of the song 'A Trick of the Light' by Villagers

LISTEN to it here (more INFO here and here)

My heart is spilling over
Crashing on the ground
I can't see what's around me
But soon I'll come round

My faith is in the balance
Of a million tiny words
So I return to silence

And if I see a sign in the sky tonight
No one's gonna tell me it's a trick of the light
May never come but I'm willing to wait
What can I say? I'm a man of the faith
And there's an ocean in my body
And there's a river in my soul
And I'm crying

It's time that I let go
Of things I can't control
This path that I've taken
Is the only one I know

Well I've come so far to get here
And I've got so far to go
So I'll take what I can get
In matters of the soul

And if I see a sign in the sky tonight
No one's gonna tell me it's a trick of the light
May never come but I'm willing to wait
What can I say? I'm a man of the faith
And there's an ocean in my body
And there's a river in my soul
And I'm crying

And we are the dawn
And we carry the sun
And we are the dawn
And we carry the sun

And if I see a sign in the sky tonight
No one's gonna tell me it's a trick of the light
May never come but I'm willing to wait
What can I say? I'm a man of the faith
And there's an ocean in my body
And there's a river in my soul
And I'm crying

And if I see a sign in the sky tonight (See it coming)
No one's gonna tell me it's a trick of the light (Feel it coming)
May never come but I'm willing to wait
What can I say? I'm a man of the faith
And there's an ocean in my body
And there's a river in my soul
And I'm crying

SCRIPT of the VIDEO for 23 March 2023:

VOC on quizlet

VIDEO click here 

00:00 Ever wondered Oled kunagi mõelnud, et why some people seem to have all the luck?

0:04 We've been trying to improve our luck for centuries - lucky charms, amulets and talismans have figured on olemas olnud in virtually every praktiliselt igas recorded civilization meile teadaolevas tsivilisatsioonis.

0:13 Early Europeans believed iron had uskusid, et raual ON magical qualities so hanging horseshoes in your house was meant to pidi ward off tõrjuma, eemal hoidma spirits (kurje) vaime.

0:20 Touching or knocking on wood kolm korda üle õla sülitamine is said to date back to on usutavasti pärit Celtic rituals Keldi kombe kohastest rituaalidest that were designed to rouse mille eesmärk oli üles äratada the tree gods and call on otsida neilt their protection.

0:29 Throughout history alati on olnud nii, et , people have recognised on märganud that good and bad luck can transform lives. A few seconds of bad luck can overturn võib pea peale pöörata years of hard work and moments of good luck can save years of striving võib anda sama tulemuse mis aastate pikkused ponnistused. Superstition ebausk represents people's attempts on (oma olemuselt) püüd to improve and control their luck.

0:47 British psychologist and author Richard Wiseman undertook a ten year study viis läbi 10aastase uuringu on the science of luck. In one experiment he asked people to look through a newspaper and count the number of photographs inside.

0:58 On average keskmiselt it took the people tegid inimesed selle ära 2 minutiga who thought of themselves as unlucky around two minutes. People who thought of themselves as lucky on the other hand took a few seconds tegid (selle ära) mõne sekundiga.

1:08 Why? Because on the second page there was a message that said, in a massive font ülisuurte tähtedega, "Stop counting, there are 43 photographs in this newspaper."

1:17 The lucky people it seems were more open to possibilities olid valmis nägema other than the ones they were searching for ka neid võimalusi, mida nad tegelikult ei otsinudki. There are four main psychological principles that separate lucky people from unlucky ones mis eristavad neid inimesi, kellel veab, nendest, kellel ei vea.

  • So first of all, lucky people are more open to opportunities veab neil, kes näevad avanevaid võimalusi, spotting them tabavad ära "võimaluste akna" and making the most of them "võtavad sellest viimast".
  • Second, they tend to be optimists and that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy isetäituv unistus/ettekuulutus- they're pushing forward on edasipüüdlikud, they're expecting the best.
  • Also differences in terms of intuition mis puutub intuitsiooni - lucky people tend to have lucky hunches veab tihti just neil, kellel esineb (eel)aimdusi, "tunnet, et" and trust their intuition.
  • And finally, they're more resilient nad "ei vaju (nii kergesti) ära". When bad things happen, they're good at turning that bad luck into good fortune oskavad halvast olukorrast (võitjatena) välja tulla.

1:52 So big differences in the way they think and the way they behave. But whilst kuigi it's true that if you train hard you are more likely to win a sporting event, or the harder you swot for an exam tuubid eksamiks the more you increase your chances of the best grade you're capable of. Here's the kicker iroonilisel moel on aga tõsi hoopis see, mis tuleb alljärgnevalt.

No amount of positivity, work or preparation will reduce the chance of say, being kept awake by noisy neighbours the night before an exam or slipping on a wet patch (millegipärast) märjaks saanud kohal as kui parajasti you run during a race. It would be wrong to think that all of someone's good or bad luck is entirely due to the way they're thinking and behaving.

2:25 When it comes to people who rääkides inimestest, kes aren't quite so successful or happy in life we shouldn't think it's all their fault. It could be down to see võib tuleneda asjaolust, et where they're born or the society they're born into or chance accidents or illnesses, and you need to take all of those factors into account.

2:39 In 2012 at a campaign rally, Barack Obama caused controversy tekitas poleemikat when he said, "If you're successful, you didn't get that on your own see pole ainuüksi sinu enda saavutus. If you're successful, somebody along the line keegi kuskil, kunagi gave you some help." And he raises a key factor toob võtmetegurina esile by considering rääkides the role of luck vedamise, õnne(liku juhuse) rollist.

2:56 There's a whole bunch of terve rida hard-working, positive-thinking people out there meie ümber who aren't successful and certainly aren't lucky. Obama's statement sparked debate, with several online publications railing against protestisid ägedalt tema seisukoha vastu him, and public figures like republican rival Mitt Romney openly rebuffing him astus selgelt tema (Obama) seisukoha vastu.

3:13 For many, Obama's comments were seen as an insult to the American work ethic and the idea that success was achieved through merit Obama justkui solvas neid, kes lähtuvad ameerikalikust tööeetikast, mille põhiidee järgi on sinu edu sinu enda teha, st tuleneb sinust endast ("köögitüdrukust võib saada president"). But as the economist Robert H. Frank argues väidab, talent and drive andekus ja initsiatiivikus will get you so far but luck and life chances will also play a huge role.

3:29 What if you asked the question, "Where do your talents come from?", "Where does your propensity kalduvus to work hard come from?". If you're a hard working person who has a lot of talent you got those traits from the environment you grew up in and from the genes you inherited oled pärinud. You're not in any strict sense mitte mingil juhul in a position to claim ei saa sa väita moral credit for them et oled eelnimetatud asjaolud kuidagi "välja teeninud" (st ei saa öelda, et sul on justkui "moraalne õigus neile asjaoludele", sest nt oled "seda väärt", "nii tubli").

3:51 And so we're comfortable enough saying seega võime julgesti öelda that you're lucky to have those traits sul veab, et sul sellised kalduvused/isiksuseomadused on. But what about the person who works hard? Is that person not entitled to kas tal polegi õigust congratulate herself for the effort she put forward?

4:04 What we know is that Teame (vaid) seda, et putting forth effort pingutamine in trying circumstances rasketes oludes is difficult. It requires often a Herculean will Heraklese tahtejõudu (vägitegusid) to go forward in the face of one setback after another kuigi kogu aeg "läheb midagi untsu".

4:17 If you're the kind of person who's been taught that your temperament alone determines whether you'll be persistent järjekindel and your temperament is just a matter of luck, I think you're more likely to sit back lased asjadel omasoodu kulgeda and wait and see what happens.

4:30 If instead you view yourself as the captain of your own fate and think, "It's up to me on minu teha to make it happen" you're much more likely to persist against a series of setbacks isegi ebaedu ei vii sind rivist välja.

4:41 So it's like Richard Wiseman said earlier, lucky and unlucky people are often determined by määrab ära see the way they think, which suggests millest võib järeldada, et that there is hope for change.

4:50 I think that anyone has the capability and the potential to make themselves luckier. It's realising tuleb aru saada that lots of that good fortune is due to the way you're thinking, the way you're behaving. Understand the mindset of the lucky person Püüa aru saada, kuidas mõtlevad need, kellel (justkui alati/tavaliselt) veab and you can bring more good fortune into your life. Thanks for watching. Don't forget to subscribe and click the bell to receive notifications for new videos. See you again soon!