TED Talk English Club 2023: Vol 7 on 27 April & 4 May


You are welcome to click on the brown box below to download or read

the SUMMARY of 4 May on the song 'I don't know Y'.

You are welcome to click on the black box below to download or read 

the SUMMARY of 27 April on 'Joanna's farewell speech on BBC'.

CLUB Meeting on 4 May 2023 = Meeting 2 of Vol 7

TOPIC for 4 May 2023: How to make them 'thrive by five'? Kuidas kasvatada väikelast (0-5 a) 'parimal võimalikul viisil'? Millist nõu annad neile, kel väike laps?

Click to listen to SONG (3.09 min) 'Don't know Y

To see the LYRICS of the song 'Don't know Y ' -- scroll down, please laulu sõnade nägemiseks keri palun allapoole

  • 4 May QUESTION 1: How does this song stand out? Mille poolest see laul on eriline?
  • 4 May QUESTION 2: What's the pun nali? What makes it tricky to educate young children (from birth to five years of age)Kas miski ja mis on siin naljakas? Millised momendid on (väike)laste (st kuni 5aastaste) kasvatamisel kõige raskemad?
  • 4 May QUESTION 3: It is possible to learn/revise some grammar here. Can you spot the challenges? Selle laulu abil saab (tahtmise korral) grammatikat õppida/korrata. Kus siin on need grammatiliselt keerulised kohad?

SCRIPT of the video: Please scroll down to download or read it.

TOPIC for 27 April 2023: How to say farewell? Mida öelda lõpetuseks?

VIDEO (BBC, 2023, 1.21 min) please click 'Joanna Gosling bids emotional farewell to BBC news live on-air' Joanna Gosling jätab BBC uudistesaate otse-eetris oma vaatajatega hüvasti

  • 27 April QUESTION 1: Have you received a nice farewell message? Kas meenub mõni olukord, kus keegi on lõpetuseks midagi väga meeldivat öelnud/kirjutanud (nt projekti lõpus, vms)?
  • 27 April QUESTION 2: What is this video about? Mis videoga on tegemist?
  • 27 April QUESTION 3: What role (if any) do the news programs play in your life? What qualifies as professional news to you? Kui tähtsad on uudistesaated Sulle? Milline on (või peaks olema) üks hästi tehtud uudistesaade?

WORDS on Quizlet: click the link (click automatic join link to access Quizlet)

Time: 3 p.m. through 6 p.m. on  4 May 2023. NB! Please pick from: 3-3.30 .... /3.30-4 Heli.../ 4-4.30 ..Toomas./4.30-4 .../ 5.00-5.30 .Merge.... /5.30-6 p.m Tiina .../ and please submit by the form above. 

Format: one-on-one for 30 minutes on Skype (or one-on-one with another Club member)

Access 1: open to all of them who at some point--since 2012--have taken a course with Terje Keldoja😊 (NB! Access 2: Everybody else is indeed welcome, too. However, the fee is a little less generous for the 'novices' = 18 eur per 30 minutes one-on-one.)

Fee: 14 eur for a 30-minute Meeting on Skype, incl Quizlet Script & the Blog or Summary (= follow-up based on the ideas of the participants--about the video/topic & song) & Final Kahoot Review. NB! One-on-one with another Club member 30 min koos teise klubiliikmega + Terjega = 10 eur per member.

Payment: by invoice 1-3 you'll be receiving at the end of Feb, March and April. You are only charged for the Meetings you have chosen to attend:)

Enrolment: with terje.keldoja@gmail.com otse meiliga or submit the form above või täida ülal olev vorm 

LYRICS of the SONG for 4 May 2023:

You are welcome to listen to the song here.

For background info please click at Sesame Street

0:00 ELMO: Oh, hi, Norah! 


ELMO: Whoa. What's the matter, Norah? Mis lahti, Norah?

NORAH JONES: Well, I was supposed to meet pidin (plaanide kohaselt) kohtuma my friend today, the letter of the day tänase päeva tähega?

ELMO: Oh. Või nii (= Ahsoo).

NORAH JONES: Y never showed up. Y'it (= Igrekit) ei tulnudki.

ELMO: What? Norah's friend is the letter of the day? Mis? Kas Norah sõbraks on päeva täht?

NORAH JONES: Yes. Letter Y. Jaa, täht 'igrek'.



I waited till I saw the sun. Ootasin päikesetõusuni (st öö läbi).

I don't know why Y didn't come. Ei tea, miks Y ei tulnud

I thought we'd meet and have some fun. Lootsin, et saame kokku ja meil on koos tore olla.

I don't know why Y didn't come.

0:44 ELMO: Oh, poor Norah. Vaene Norah!


I don't know why Y didn't come.

We had great times I won't forget. Meil on olnud häid aegu, mis ei unune.

0:56 ELMO: That's good. Tore ju.


Spelling words like yarn and yet. (Olid toredad ajad,) kui me kirjutasime sõnu 'yarn' (lõng) ja 'yet'.

But now that Y has gone away aga nüüd, kus Y'it enam pole, how I yearn for igatsema midagi yesterday. kuidas ma küll tahaksin tagasi eilsesse päeva

I don't know what to do.

1:20 ELMO: Oh, that's not right. Sul pole õigus (st sa eksid). Do you see what Elmo sees? Näed sa seda, mida Elmo näeb (st mina näen)? 


I can't even spell--I can't even spell YOU. Ma ei saa isegi kirjutada sõna 'YOU'.

Not without him.

1:35 ELMO: Norah, Norah! The letter Y!

NORAH JONES: Oh, yeah. The letter Y. We used to varem spell great words together. kirjutasime toredaid sõnu koos

ELMO: But, but, but--

NORAH JONES: We had a lot of fun. Meil oli nii tore. We spelled yogurt. Kirjutasime sõna 'yogurt'.

ELMO: Yeah, but--

NORAH JONES: Yodel. Sõna 'yodel' (joodeldama).

ELMO: That's good, but--

NORAH JONES: Yarn. Sõna 'yarn' (lõng).

ELMO: But--but I--

NORAH JONES: Now I can't spell anything. I miss him.

ELMO: Oh, boy. Vat kus lugu! Kurb küll.


Something had to make him run. Pidi olema midagi, mis sundis teda lahkuma. 

I don't know why Y didn't come. Ma ei tea, miks Y ei tulnud.

And now I'm feeling sad and glum. olen kurb ja õnnetu (glum = gloomy sünge, õnnetu)

I don't know why Y didn't come.

I don't know why Y didn't come.

I don't know why--

2:26 ELMO: But, but--

NORAH JONES: (SINGING) Y didn't come.

ELMO: B-but, b-but Norah! Norah, Norah, hello?  The Y did come. See Y ikkagi tuli!

2:37 NORAH JONES: He did? Tuli või?

ELMO: Yes!

Y: Yoo-hoo!

NORAH JONES: Y, you're here. Y--sa oledki siin!

Y: Yep. Olen. Oh, I'm sorry I'm late. Can you forgive me?


Y: Yippee!

ELMO: Yay!

NORAH JONES: Yay! You think we can all play together now?

Y: Y not? Miks ka mitte? [LAUGHTER]

Y: Hey, you want to yodel?

NORAH JONES: Sure. Väga!

ELMO: Yeah, let's yodel! [ALL YODELING]

NORAH JONES: I can't yodel, though. Aga ma ei oska joodeldada.

Y: I can.


To download the SCRIPT of the 27 April VIDEO as pdf, 

please click  the black box below

SCRIPT of the VIDEO for 27 April 2023:

For VIDEO, please click here 

00:00 Now, it's just about time on aeg for me to say good-bye for the last time. I'm signing off jätan hüvasti after 23 years at BBC news. And before I go there are just a few things I wanted to say.

00:10 I know this job is personal. We come directly into your home to tell you what's happening. Good, bad, funny, sad.

00:21 And in doing my work I always consider how mõtlen selle peale, et kuidas you might be responding to the news you're hearing, and what you might want to know.

00:27 But your response to me leaving teie reaktsioon minu lahkumise teatele has been completely unexpected and I've been really touched by the wave of warmth and kindness from you. And I want to say thank you for all of your good wishes. It really has meant a lot to me.

00:40 I also want to say thank you to all of the people who have shared their stories with me, and you, over my 30 years as a journalist. Many of them have had an impact on me on mõjutanud mind and have shaped the way I see things on muutnud minu arvamust asjadest and I hope it has been the same for you.

01:54 It's why I came to journalism – to give a voice anda inimestele võimalus rääkida, lend an ear ise inimesi ära kuulata (kuulda, mida nad asjast arvavad)  and shine a light asjadele valgust heita (st teadmisi jagada).

01:02 And finally, my colleagues, past and present. I've learnt from you. I've loved working with you and I've valued your support since I started out hakkasin pihta at 22. I've never failed to be impressed alati on mind vaimustanud by the talent, skills and dedication of the people around me. We're a team but it's felt like family.

01:21 Lucky me to have had this great job, that's never felt like a job. Thank you for having me aitäh, et olite minuga, st kuulasite-vaatasite. Bye bye.