TED Talk English Club 2024: Vol 4 on 29 Feb-6 March


CLUB Meeting Vol 4 on 29 Feb-6 March 2024

TOPIC for Vol 4: Proper footwear— what 's all the fuss about? Korralikud jalavarjud: on's need nii olulised? 

VIDEO for Vol 4: please click here 

SCRIPT of the VIDEO 2 pages in ENGlish: Please click on the BLACK BOX below klõpsa teksti lugemiseks allpool oleval mustal kastil

VOCABULARY on quizlet app klubi inglise-eesti sõnastik

  • click here to join the quizlet app
  • click here to see the WORDS of CLUB Meeting 4
  • 29 Feb-6 March QUESTION 1: What qualifies as a good quality footwear to you? Any brands you insist uponMillist jalatsit pead kvaliteetseks? On kujunenud mingi kindel "oma bränd"? 
  • 29 Feb-6 March QUESTION 2: Had you ever wondered (before watching this particular video) what the footwear industry is like today? Olid kunagi mõelnud (enne siinse video vaatamist) sellele, et milline näeb välja üks tänapäevane jalatsitootmine?
  • 29 Feb-6 March QUESTION 3: What types of footwear do you find necessary to include in your 'collection' because of your life style or the four seasons? NB! See some vocabulary by clicking on the brown box below:). Millist tüüpi jalatseid vajad "oma kollektsiooni" arvestades seda, et meil on neli aastaaega (NB! sõnavarafail avaneb klõpsates pruunil kastil:)? 

Time: 3 p.m. through 6 p.m. on 29 Feb 2024. 

  • NB! Please pick from vali Sulle sobiv aeg : 3-3.30 ....... /3.30-4.00 .../ 4-4.30 .../4.30-4 ......./ 5.00-5.30 ..... /5.30-6 p.m ..../ and please submit by the form above.  ja kirjuta see aeg ülal olevale vormile ja klõpsa 'SUBMIT' 
  • or NB! suggest a day & time up until 6 March või paku ise välja the time and day that suits you mingi Sulle sobiv päev ja aeg vahemikus kuni 6. märtsini (k.a):) 
  • Club Vol 4 booked for Toomas on Tue, 5 March at 2.40 p.m.
  • Club Vol 4 booked for Marika on Thur, 7 March at 1-1.30 p.m.
  • Club Vol 4 booked for Airi on Fri, 8 March at 5.30-6 p.m.
  • Format: one-on-one for 30 minutes on Skype (or one-on-one with another Club member)

Access 1: kellele? open to all of them who at some point--since 2012--have taken a course with Terje Keldoja😊 (NB! Access 2: Everybody else is indeed welcome, too. However, the fee is a little less generous for the 'novices' = 18 eur per 30 minutes one-on-one.)

Fee osalustasu: 14 eur per a 30-minute Meeting on Skype, incl Quizlets klubi inglise-eesti sõnastik & the Summary kokkuvõte (= follow-up based on the ideas of the participants) & Final Kahoot Review kordamine äpiga KahootNB! One-on-one with another Club member 30 min koos teise klubiliikmega + Terjega = 10 eur per member.

Payment: by invoice 1-3 you'll be receiving at the end of Feb, March and April. NB! You are only charged for the Meetings you have chosen to attend:) arved tulevad vaid nende kordade eest, mil oled osalenud:)

Enrolment registreerimine: with terje.keldoja@gmail.com otse meiliga or submit the form above või täida ülal olev vorm