TED Talk English Club 2024: Vol 7 on 21-27 March


CLUB Meeting Vol 7 on 21-27 March 2024

TOPIC for Vol 7: What to make of talking to yourself? Mida sellest omaette rääkimisest arvata?

VIDEO for Vol 7: Pease click here

SCRIPT of Vol 7 VIDEO: 2 pages in ENGlish: Please click on the BLACK BOX below klõpsa teksti lugemiseks allpool oleval mustal kastil

VOCABULARY on quizlet app klubi inglise-eesti sõnastik

  • click here to join the quizlet app
  • click here to see the WORDS of CLUB Vol 7
  • 21-27 March QUESTION 1: Whatif anythingdo you find amusing about the videoKas see video meeldib ja kui jah, siis mis täpsemalt? 
  • 21-27 March QUESTION 2: Do you think there is a difference between thinking and talking to yourself? Kas mõtlemine pole mitte seesama asi mis omaette rääkimine?
  • 21-27 March QUESTION 3: How easy do you find it to define what is 'normal' (in 2024)? Kui kerge või raske on öelda, mis on n-ö normaalne (aastal 2024)? 

Time: 3 p.m. through 6 p.m. on Thur, 21 March 2024. 

  • NB! Please pick from vali Sulle sobiv aeg : 3-3.30 ....... /3.30-4.00 .../4.00-4.30 Heli/4.30-5.00 .../ 5.30-6 p.m Merge/ and please submit by the form above.  ja kirjuta see aeg ülal olevale vormile ja klõpsa 'SUBMIT' 
  • or NB! suggest a day & time up until 27 March või paku ise välja the time and day that suits you mingi Sulle sobiv päev ja aeg vahemikus kuni 27. märtsini (k.a):) 
  • Club Vol 7 booked for Toomas on Tue, 19.03.24 at 3.15-3.45 p.m.
  • Club Vol 7 booked for Airi on Tue, 26 March at 5.30-6 p.m.
  • Club Vol 7 booked for Marika on Wed, 27 March at 1-1.30 p.m.
  • Format: one-on-one for 30 minutes on Skype (or one-on-one with another Club member)

Access 1: kellele? open to all of them who at some point--since 2012--have taken a course with Terje Keldoja😊 (NB! Access 2: Everybody else is indeed welcome, too. However, the fee is a little less generous for the 'novices' = 18 eur per 30 minutes one-on-one.)

Fee osalustasu: 14 eur per a 30-minute Meeting on Skype, incl Quizlets klubi inglise-eesti sõnastik & the Summary kokkuvõte (= follow-up based on the ideas of the participants) & Final Kahoot Review kordamine äpiga KahootNB! One-on-one with another Club member 30 min koos teise klubiliikmega + Terjega = 10 eur per member.

Payment: by invoice 1-3 you'll be receiving at the end of Feb, March and April. NB! You are only charged for the Meetings you have chosen to attend:) arved tulevad vaid nende kordade eest, mil oled osalenud:)

Enrolment registreerimine: with terje.keldoja@gmail.com otse meiliga or submit the form above või täida ülal olev vorm