A lot of thanks to all the members of the TED Talk English Club

for attending Season 3 of spring 2024. See you in Season Vol 4:) which is due since Jan 2025:)

'Meaning comes first' Eelkõige on vaja aru saada 

or 'Making sense of English can be tricky' Miks ingliskeelsest lausest on vahel nii raske aru saada

or 'UNDERSTANDING is inevitable, SPEAKING is optional:)

ARU SAADA on ikka vaja, RÄÄKIDA ehk polegi alati tarvis:)

is the motto underlying on see moto, millele on üles ehitatud

the 12 Meetings 12 kohtumist

scheduled for the 3-month period of     3 kuu jooksul

 8 Feb to 9 May.   8. veebruarist 9. maini 2024.